
A New Chapter – Leading with Feminine Energy

It happened in an instant… one of those moments where your whole world shifts.

I was sitting with my journal, exhausted, staring at a list of everything I thought I “should” be doing. Hustling harder. Pushing further. Optimizing, scaling, strategizing. The pressure to be more, do more, achieve more had been my constant companion.

And yet… the more I pushed, the more disconnected and burnt out I felt.

Then, it hit me. “I’ve been trying to build something from an energy that isn’t my own.”

For so long, I believed success in business had to come from hustle, grit, and relentless structure. (Any Alex Hormozi fans out there?) But I realized I had spent years relying on a skill set that the business world praises; rigidity, logic, strategy… while ignoring the power of my natural strengths. Creativity, connection, intuition, empathy. The ability to nurture something into existence rather than force it forward.

What if success for me isn’t about forcing… but about flowing?
What if growing a business felt more like connecting and nurturing… instead of just optimizing and scaling?
What if my feminine energy: creativity, intuition, empathy, connection… is actually my greatest strength?

Because of course! The Boathouse isn’t just about fragrance…. It’s about moments, memories, and emotions. It’s about the way scent can ground you, transform your energy, remind you who you are and who you can become.

And if I’m going to carry this vision forward, I want to do it fully aligned with my feminine energy.

So here is my commitment to myself: I’m doing business differently. I’m leading from creativity, intuition, connection, and trust. I want The Boathouse to feel like a deep breath, a sunrise over the water, a warm breeze carrying the scent of something familiar yet extraordinary…

Something gentle AND powerful.

My sister and I are stepping into this next chapter together, and we are honored to invite you along for the journey. Soon, we’ll officially introduce ourselves and share the heart behind this transition. But for today, I just wanted to say hello.

This is the beginning of something truly special, and I can’t wait to share it with you.

With love & gratitude,

This post has 10 comments

  1. You speak for so many with these words (and reading my mind re burn out).
    You are brave. So happy for you. Go forth!

    1. Thank you Ann! Burnout is so real, and it’s comforting to be reminded that we’re not alone. Your encouragement is such a gift. Thank you for cheering us on. I appreciate it more than you know! 💛

  2. Go girls! Can’t wait. And then teach us all how to lead ourselves with that intention, please. 🙂 Asking for a friend.

    1. Corissa, thank you! We’re so excited! We are so looking forward to connecting with all of you on this adventure. Stay tuned, there’s so much more goodness to come! 💛

  3. I love this post, concept, both of you!

    1. Thank you Win! Love you (and your encouragement)! Couldn’t do it with out ya!

  4. So glad to hear you are following your inner wisdom. It’s where our true strength and spirit lives.

    1. Colleen you are speaking to my heart!

  5. Welcome Ladies! Glad you’re here!

    1. Thank you Annabelle! So excited to be here and for everything thats to come!

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